New York City Debt Collection Defense Attorney
Cutting-Edge Legal Representation Manageable Fee Structures

We Defend You Against

Selip & Stylianou, LLP

(formerly Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP)

The Langel Firm defends consumers against New York state court collection lawsuits brought by Selip & Stylianou, LLP f/k/a Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP. We defend against collection lawsuits, and wage garnishments, and bank seizures.

If you need help against Selip & Stylianou, LLP, complete this intake form.


The Langel Firm Stops Wage Garnishment, Gets Judgment Vacated, Case Discontinued

Our client noticed that his wages were being garnished by a mysterious creditor. He was never served because he was living in Massachusetts at the time the case started. Five years after entry of a judgment, The Langel Firm re-opened the case with irrefutable proof of his Massachusetts residence. Cohen & Slamowitz agreed to immediately stop the garnishment and discontinue the case. MRC Receivables Corp. v. S.M, 158932-06 (Civil Court, Kings County, 2011)

The Langel Firm Unfreezes Bank Account, Gets Judgment Vacated, Case Discontinued

Our California-resident consumer client was sued in NY without living here. A default judgment led to a frozen bank account. Personal jurisdiction was never actually acquired, but through a default judgment, Palisades succeeded in freezing his California bank account by directing a New York bank branch to freeze his accounts. We re-opened the case with irrefutable proof of his California residence. Cohen & Slamowitz, which represented Palisades in the case, agreed to vacate the judgment and discontinue the case immediately. Perhaps it recognized the unfairness of enforcing a judgment knowingly premised on lack of due process. Palisades Acquisition, XVI, LLC v. Darrell B., 116781/09 (Civil Court, Queens County, 2011).

Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP Exemption-Claim Process

Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP was unsuccessful in its attempt to place burden of establishing exempt income on judgment debtor. Midland Funding LLC v Roberts, 37 Misc 3d 617 (Sup Ct 2012).

Collection Defense Intake Form: The Langel Firm

at (888) 271-7109 for help.

More information to help with a wage garnishment:

Here is a list of New York City’s Marshals who enforce wage garnishments:

Contact us to help you with this garnishment!

Selip & Stylianou, LLP

5 Powerful Defenses against Selip & Stylianou, LLP