New York City Debt Collection Defense Attorney

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  • How Do Merchant Cash Advances Differ From the Sale of Future Receivables?
    How Do Merchant Cash Advances Differ From the Sale of Future Receivables?

    The key differences between a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) and the sale of future receivables: 1) Legal Nature: An MCA is not technically a loan, but rather an advance purchase of a business's future ...

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  • Access Your Exempt Bank Funds: The Essential Guide to Using the Exemption Claim Form Kit
    Access Your Exempt Bank Funds: The Essential Guide to Using the Exemption Claim Form Kit

    The Exemption Claim Form Kit An Attorney-Crafted Solution for Unfreezing Exempt Funds from Frozen Bank Accounts in New York Under New York CPLR §§ 5205, specific funds are protected from bank freezes. ...

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  • Can a Creditor Use a Driver's Abstract to Verify My Address for Legal Purposes?
    Can a Creditor Use a Driver's Abstract to Verify My Address for Legal Purposes?

    Can a Driving Abstract Help Establish Where I Lived for "Service" of Legal Papers? Yes, a driving abstract or record can be a piece of supporting evidence to help prove where someone lives for legal ...

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  • Citibank Fails to Show Debtor Retained Account Statements Without objection; Appeals Court Rejects its Account Stated Claim
    Citibank Fails to Show Debtor Retained Account Statements Without objection; Appeals Court Rejects its Account Stated Claim

    In a notable appellate decision, Citibank (S.D.), N.A. v. Brown-Serulovic, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court's Second Judicial Department overturned a lower court's decision ...

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  • Motion for Summary Judgment: A Guide for New Yorkers
    Motion for Summary Judgment: A Guide for New Yorkers

    What is a Motion for Summary Judgment? A motion for summary judgment is a legal procedure that allows a party to a lawsuit to ask the court to decide the case in their favor without a trial. The ...

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  • Revisiting Amex v. Badalamenti: A Decade Later, Electronic Evidence Under the Microscope
    Revisiting Amex v. Badalamenti: A Decade Later, Electronic Evidence Under the Microscope

    Upholding Evidentiary Standards in Electronic Debt Claims In the case of American Express Centurion Bank v. Badalamenti, the court scrutinized the evidentiary standards required for electronic records ...

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