New York City Debt Collection Defense Attorney

Debt Settlement Blogs

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  • How Do Merchant Cash Advances Differ From the Sale of Future Receivables?
    How Do Merchant Cash Advances Differ From the Sale of Future Receivables?

    The key differences between a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) and the sale of future receivables: 1) Legal Nature: An MCA is not technically a loan, but rather an advance purchase of a business's future ...

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  • Access Your Exempt Bank Funds: The Essential Guide to Using the Exemption Claim Form Kit
    Access Your Exempt Bank Funds: The Essential Guide to Using the Exemption Claim Form Kit

    The Exemption Claim Form Kit An Attorney-Crafted Solution for Unfreezing Exempt Funds from Frozen Bank Accounts in New York Under New York CPLR §§ 5205, specific funds are protected from bank freezes. ...

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  • New York Expands Medical Debt Protections: What Patients Need to Know in 2024
    New York Expands Medical Debt Protections: What Patients Need to Know in 2024

    New York has significantly expanded financial assistance and medical debt collection protections for patients effective October 20, 2024. The key requirements include: Expanded Financial Assistance ...

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  • Medical Debt 101: How Different Hospital Types Affect Your Bills
    Medical Debt 101: How Different Hospital Types Affect Your Bills

    Medical debt has become a significant financial burden for many Americans. Approximately 100 million adults in the United States face medical debt, ranging from under $500 to $10,000 or more, ...

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  • American Express vs. Dalbis: A Case Study on Evidentiary Challenges in Debt Litigation
    American Express vs. Dalbis: A Case Study on Evidentiary Challenges in Debt Litigation

    This blog reflects on a significant, prior New York City ruling denying American Express Bank's request for a default judgment against a credit card holder due to insufficient evidence. Three findings ...

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  • Motion for Summary Judgment: A Guide for New Yorkers
    Motion for Summary Judgment: A Guide for New Yorkers

    What is a Motion for Summary Judgment? A motion for summary judgment is a legal procedure that allows a party to a lawsuit to ask the court to decide the case in their favor without a trial. The ...

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